On Friday, February 2nd, 2024, we had our 8th grade Black Rock vs Welsh Valley girls and boys spirit basketball game. Our first spirit game of the year, to promote school spirit and to show our appreciation of the school, and of course to have lots of fun! As Black Rock settled in, the cheer team and select choir was rehearsing for the game. The other students were busy applying eye black and making signs for their friends. Right before the game started, a select group of about 15 kids sang the star spangled while everyone stood with their hands over their heart to unite our nation. With that, the girls team started off. Unfortunately, they weren’t able to come out with a win. Afterwards, the boys team played. After a slow start, the team pulled out a big win! Want to see the pictures? We captured every moment for you to immerse yourself in and enjoy.
Eighth Grade Spirit Game
Olivia Hassan, Editor in Chief
February 15, 2024