As many of you know, AI is a life changing source for many people. Many are being targeted for and ending up helpless, scared, and poor. Should AI still exist or should it be banned?
Many scandals have gone around social media which are making people scared for their lives! However, some people want to expand the usage of AI in general.
They use it to exploit photos such as Taylor Swift and Brooke Monk. We are also going to talk about how much worse AI can get in future days.
Brooke Monk, famous TikToker known for her lip-sync, dance, comedy, and lifestyle TikToks. She is also known for her boyfriend; Sam Dezz. You may find her funny, friendly, and nice and you are right! But, during the middle of 2023, she fell victim in the world of scandals. She saw many of her fans unfollow her as she was trying to explain that it wasn’t her fault and somebody else made a fake video using AI to trick her fans into thinking she would actually do that in front of social media!
Another scandal goes with the famous artist Taylor Swift. As many of you know she is a famous singer known for her biggest hit songs “Anti-Hero” and “Shake it Off” but as of this year, Taylor Swift was also caught in an AI scandal which makes more people want to make more strict laws for artificial intelligence.
You might be thinking that it won’t happen to you, right? Well actually, yes it can! It’s as easy as posting on TikTok, Twitter or Instagram. People can just steal that picture of you then exploit it to the point where it looks actually real and inappropriate at the same time. They could enforce you to pay them hundreds or thousands of dollars before they posted it on many platforms such as TikTok, Twitter, X, etc! This could endanger many innocent people like you and I on the life of the Internet!
Every single minute we spend, AI will become even smarter to the point where it could replicate anything with its mind!
But so far, five states have banned AI which are, California, Texas, Michigan, Washington, and Minnesota! And on top of that, twelve states or ten have also passed laws about AI and some are trying to pass more laws about AI!
Which means we can be safer on the Internet, with our photos completely safe to post!
So is AI dangerous or not for us humans?
I hope you enjoyed this article talking about this serious topic among younger generations with the Internet!