Recently, I sent everyone I knew a google form. I asked them a simple question; what would the best schedule for a fifth grader look like? Before I share my results, I would like to thank everyone who spent a few minutes of their time to fill out the form. (Just a quick reminder; fourth and fifth period are not covered due to the fact that they are lunch and recess. Therefore, everyone has them at the same time).
The first thing I asked for is the best language. I had 36 responses: 15 for Spanish (41.7%) , 13 for Latin (36.1%), and only 8 for French (22.2%)! I expected Spanish to win, but never thought that Latin would be in second place.
I also asked if it was better to have math or reading during third period. Out of 36 responses, 23 people said math (63.9%) and 13 for reading (36.1%).
I then asked the same question, but this time for sixth period. You would think it would just be a mirror of period three, but no. You see, it wasn’t because someone didn’t answer. It was because one person voted twice for reading or twice for math, the results, however, were very similar even though one person threw it off. Reading won with 22 votes (61.1%), and math had 14 votes (38.9%).
My next question was what is your favorite quarterly? (I didn’t ask for a favorite special for seventh or eighth period cause some people have seventh period quarterlies and some have it during eighth period). I had 36 responses and the winner was FACS with 15 votes (41.7%). It was followed by art class with 13 votes (36.1%). In third place was Tech Ed with 5 votes (13.9%). Leadership pulled in fourth place with 2 votes (5.6%), and computers with 1 vote (2.8%).
In addition, I asked what is the best rotating special? For this question I had 36 responses, and by a landslide, gym class won the vote, 19 to its name (52.8%). Tied for second was choir and challenge, both with 4 votes (11.1%). Furthermore, library and general music also won out, each with 2 votes (5.6%). Band class was left with 1 vote (2.8%) and 1 vote for unsure (also 2.8%).
Now, what I think is the most conflicting question: science or social studies class? For this one, I had 23 responses, with social studies winning with 15 votes (65.2%), and science with 8 (34.8%).
Finally, which is the best I/E to be in? This question had the most variety of responses with 13 teachers referenced (plus an unsure category). In first place was… Ms. Maahs! She won with 8 votes (22.2%). In second was Mrs. Ash with five votes (13.9%). Next up was Ms. Pezick with 4 votes (11.1%). We have a tie, both with 3 votes (8.3%) between Ms. Wallitsch and unsure. Dr. Fox, Mr. Bluth, Ms. Eichman and Ms. Deangelis all tied out with 2 votes (5.6%). And last, but not least…you guessed it! Another tie; Mr. Wyatt, Mr. Tavani, Mr. Scali, Mr. Brockaman, and Ms. Callaghan.
These all accumulate to the best schedule being,
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Period 7
Gym or FACS
Period 8
Gym or FACS
Period 9
Social Studies
Period 10
Book Browsing and Beyond